1. To recognize the importance of negotiat-
ing job offers.
2. To recognize appropriate negotiating
behaviors and be able to demonstrate these
behaviors effectively.
3. To recognize the factors involved in a
career decision.
4. To recognize the follow-up behaviors of
accepting or declining a job offer.
A. Importance of Negotiating a Job Offer
Once you have received a job offer, you have more “power” now than at any other
time in the interviewing process. Aside from the main goal of making the right
decision, a lot can be gained or lost from the way you negotiate your offer.
B. Characteristics of Receiving a Job Offer
1. Time - An offer can arrive anywhere from one day to six weeks after your sec-
ond or third interview. Occasionally employers will give you the offer at their final
2. Impressions Still Count - Continue to
make a good impression when the offer arrives. It is important to let employers know
you are pleased to receive an offer, but do not let them hear you announce to your
roommate or significant other that “I got the job!” On the other hand, don’t make a nega-
tive impression with employers by telling them how sought after you are and how many
other offers you have already received.
3. Clarify the Offer - Be clear on all the factors that make up the offer. Get the following
information before you get off the phone with the employer:
• Salary
• Location
• Reporting date
• Travel or relocation expenses offered
• Signing bonus (if any)
• When they need your answer
4. Negotiate Time of Decision - Don’t accept the job offer on the spot.
Although you may have already been considering the possible offer, you need time to
evaluate all the factors of this decision. Remember not to be star struck by the excite-
ment of the offer. Be prepared to negotiate when you can give the employer your deci-
sion. Have a date in mind when you can give the employer your decision prior to receiv-
ing an offer so you won’t get caught off guard. Employers know you are interviewing
with other organizations and will appreciate your being honest and careful about your
Remember you have nothing to negotiate until you have an offer. However, once you
receive an offer, it is important that you consider all the possible factors that could be
A. Salary to certain limits. The offered salary may or may not be negotiable; it may or
may not be a fair offer. Prior to negotiating this factor, research salaries offered in your
field by geographical location, experience, degree level, major, and previous offers. You
will often find that the salary an employee receives varies greatly from job to job, em-
ployer to employer, and from one region of the country to another.
B. Location of position. There are many differences between working in one city or
another. Take the time to check out the geographic area of your new position. Does the
community offer you the lifestyle you are looking for? Do you have the option to choose
the location of the job? With some positions, negotiating where you will live can make
the difference in accepting a job or not.
C. Reporting date. Depending on the organization and your job, some employers might
be able to offer a flexible starting date. If you have ever dreamed of backpacking or
cycling through Europe, now may be the time, or maybe you just want to take some time
off to relax; remember, now is an opportunity to negotiate when you will begin your new
Appraisal reviews. Depending on your job, some employers may give bonuses for job
performance. Often these salary increases are attached to your appraisal reviews. If the
organization incorporates this type of appraisal system it might be possible to ask for an
earlier review to increase your earnings sooner than normal.
Relocation expenses/signing bonuses. Some employers may provide relocation benefits
to help you move to the community where the employer is located. This may include
travel to the community to look for a home or apartment, mortgage assistance, cost of
moving possessions/car, and/or hotel/food expenses until you are settled. It may also be
in the form of a signing bonus, which is simply an agreed upon amount of money given
to you at the time of your acceptance of the offer. If an employer does not present these
benefits, you might want to consider negotiating for them.
Division/department you want to work in. In general, not all jobs are created equal within
an organization. Find out as much as possible about your options before you accept an
offer. If you decide that certain divisions appeal to you more than others, let it be known
before you sign. Your specific work assignment might be a factor that can be negotiated.
Making the right decision involves a host of factors. At the very least, individuals should
look at job offers as they relate to their individual, family, and career goals.
A. Individual Needs/Goals - Does this job match your interests, values, skills, and be-
liefs? Does it provide you with the lifestyle, prestige, independence, creativity, security,
altruism, and economic returns you are looking for in a job?
B. Family Goals - Does this job accommodate your needs and lifestyle preference with
regard to your family? Is the geographical location conducive to you and your family’s
hobbies, community activities, and social support groups?
C. Career Goals - Is the nature of the employer, the job’s pay and benefits, and the
work activities what you are looking for in a job? What is the employer’s reputation?
Is the training program attractive and comprehensive? Does the organization provide
advancement and mentoring opportunities? Will you be given significant responsibility?
Are the surroundings and people pleasant? Is there job security? Does it offer room for
professional, personal, and educational growth? Is the salary adequate for your needs?
How does the benefit package compare to those of other employers?
D. Use Effective Decision Making - It is suggested that you evaluate each offer based
on the same set of factors to determine which one best meets your needs. Remember
only you can decide what factors are important to you; what is important to one person
isn’t necessarily important to someone else.
A. Decide Your Conditions - It is important to determine what you want from the
offer, but it is also important to know the minimum you will take from an offer. Cre-
ate a plan that will allow flexibility. For example, if you ask for more salary but the
organization cannot offer more money, would you be willing to take a signing bonus
instead? Remember, you only have one opportunity to get the most from this offer
so thoroughly plan prior to any negotiation.
B. Negotiate with One Organization - Only negotiate with one organization at a time.
Don’t spend time and energy negotiating with the organization that is your second or
third choice until it is clear that your first choice is no longer an option.
C. Call Early - If you make your decision early, by all means call the organization
and begin negotiations. The earlier you negotiate the more likely that the organiza-
tion has not filled all of their positions and could be more inclined to negotiate with
D. Maintain Your Professionalism - Too many candidates make the mistake of be-
coming too laid back after they’ve received an offer. Remember, the person you are
negotiating with may be your supervisor or at the very least your colleague.
E. Make a Decision - Be prepared to make a decision once the organization has
stated their final offer. It is not appropriate to try to hold out for more time or another
F. Commit Fully - No matter whether it was a hard decision or not, let your employer
know that you’re with them 100 percent. No one wants someone to work for them
who acts like they would rather be somewhere else.
A. Decline Letters. Declining an offer should be done in writing and as soon as you
accept another position. This is an important step because you may need this con-
tact later on, so never burn your bridges.
B. Acceptance Letters. Acceptance letters are extremely important in restating your
understanding of the offer. Remember to include the following:
• Salary
• Starting date and time
• Location
• Any perks, signing bonuses, etc. that were negotiated
• Any other factors that you feel were vague or were not in writing
Good luck in your new job!