There will always be things to learn. Your Ego might kicks in now and said that you know a lot of things but do you really know how much you don’t know?
Who knows, right.
That’s why successful people keep on learning - especially those in business. No matter how many books you have read, seminars you have attended or courses you have taken, they can never teach you everything. But collectively, they bear an impact.
My goal at the end of this article is to get you start learning something, especially if you’re being lazy lying on your comfortable bed.
If you have finished reading a book on personal transformation, go back and read it again. You’d be surprised what new information that you can pick up the second time around. This is because when you go through the book the second time, you have already changed. You have absorbed something the first time, so now, going through it the second time, you are learning from a different point of view.
For instance, just read the book, Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. At first, you will think you know the content of it after reading the first time but if you read it again, you’ll discover a lot new understandings and concept.
(The Power of Now is a book about achieving spirituality success and happiness.)
Or why some self help gurus read 10 times of Think And Grow Rich - over and over again.
The learning process doesn’t just occur when you’re consciously in the learning mode (like picking up a book to read or attending a seminar). You can pick up a lesson anywhere, anytime.
That’s call, learning about life.
You saw someone behaving her child successfully and you may think, “Hey, that’s an ingenious way to make a child quiet.” Then you bring that home to try it on your kids.
And one more thing– one is never too old to learn.
There’s a saying, you can teach an old dog new tricks. I mean, there is no reason why a 70 year old grandfather can’t discover the joys of playing X-box 360 video game with his grandchildren or a 30-something man can’t learn to ride a bike for the first time.
Same goes with the young ones.
In my Aikido class, there’s a 12-year old kid training with us. I’m sure he can’t fight an adult, but he’s learning - preparing himself to be an expert when his age is ready.
What is more important is that desire to learn. It must be there first so that you can prepare within yourself the correct environment to receive knowledge.
Put it this way, if someone doesn’t want to learn to cook properly, nothing is going to make him go to cooking class or pick up a recipe book – even if all of those are given for free.
You’ve read this far but I’m not convince that I’ve done my part to create the awareness that you need to take up the habit of all successful people – to keep on learning every day.
Here’s the thing– I don’t have anything to lose. The ball’s on your court. The stronger your desire to learn, the richer you’ll become. I’m not going to spend any more time convincing you because it’ll just make today’s blog post boring.
Just remember this… without your desire to learn every day, not only that you won’t get richer but you’ll also be missing out a lot of joy in life.
Feel a little bit more pressure now? Good.
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