Patric Chan
How can you put in small efforts butget back big returns?
Well, the formula is to use other people’stime, money and effort - or SOMETHINGbecause it’s not limited to only people.
In short, it’s called, “leverage”.
And that IS my secret to wealth. All ofmy m0ney making activities use leverage-otherwise I will be working round theclock and also, it will not generatehuge returns.
There are three ways of making hugeincome which allow you to use leverage.You SHOULD BE USING ANY OF THEM inyour life today and if you’re not, thenyou’re missing out the best part ofcreating wealth.
The first one is real estate.
You can own a $200,000 property withjust $20,000 in your pocket because youcan LEVERAGE on the banks to give youthe fund.
Different countries will have differentm0rtgage loan terms but the point is, youdon’t need to have a lot of m0ney tomake huge income in return from properties.
If you have $3,000 in your hand, then lookfor $30,000 property to invest (Assumingyou can get a 90% m0rgage loan).
The next one is stock trading. But to bemore precise, it’ll be options tradingsimply because you can earn 10 fold inreturn from the profits gained.
Here’s a laymen explanation– assumingyou might own an option that’s worth $0.50.Option’s price will depends on thestock’s price.
Like, there are Intel stocks and alsoIntel options which you can purchase.
If a stock increase from $1.50 to $1.80,you’ll earn 20% profit, which is $0.30per stock. But for options, you don’tearned 20% but it could be 100% or moredepending on the price of the options.
This email is not for the purpose to providecomplete explanations about options tradingbecause it’ll take a book or seminar to teach.
The point is, the result can turn out to bemany times fold by leveraging on options.
The final one will be internet.
To be more precise, building an internetbusiness. The obvious leverage is that you’reable to reach globally which traditionalbusinesses are unable.
A hair saloon can only have clients in itsneighborhood or city. Where else an onlinebusiness selling an ebook about hair careor hair style will have the potential ofreaching prospects all around the world!
This also means that the internet allowsyou to be in business 24 hours a day becausedifferent countries will have differenttime zone.
If that’s interesting enough, let me tellyou another powerful leverage you can getwith an internet business:
To set up a hair salon, you’ll spend tensof thousands. The shop, equipments,advertising and so on. Not only that,imagine months of preparations - renovations,business registration, hiring hair stylist,bank loans, etc.
And to worsen the situation, you mightend up being ’stuck’ in the businessbecause you’re cutting hair or need to bepresent in the shop to greet clients.
An internet business?
You could be up and running in less thana week. Fully operational as little as $20(or less) to get started.
But the thing I like about internet’sleverage is I don’t have to be ‘present’at all. I don’t need to greet prospects orto cut hair. As a mater of fact, I don’teven need to be present to take money!
“What is the best leverage among these 3?”
I don’t think there’s any way to classifywhich is the best because they all of themexcel greatly based on each individual’spreference. For me, I use ALL OF THEM.
But the one that I would ALWAYS suggest tomy subscribers or customers is to leverageon internet business.
The reason is simple - you cannot get ‘burned’financially even if you messed up big time.
For real estate, you’re taking a bank loanas a leverage. If you mess up by buying abad property that cannot be rent or sold ata good price, you’ll still have this huge loanfor you to pay each month- even if you applya ‘no m0ney down’ strategy.
Options trading can be a risk if you don’tknow how to trade wisely. You see, you’re usingmoney to make money and you’re always subjectedto lose your money if done incorrectly.
And if you don’t know what you’re doing,you could end up being in ‘negative’ situationwith options trading.
In options trading, you’re allowed to ’short sell’where you can sell options that you haven’tpurchase yet. By doing that you get to leverageof ‘owning’ the options without any money downbut if your prediction that this will make moneyis incorrect, then you need to BUY the options.
When I start making money on the internet,I’ve also detailed out the steps.
The two ’secrets’ how I do this is to sellinformation products so that I’ll haveridiculously high profit margins and tosell in niche markets with minimal competition.
I like to sum up this- you need to use aleverage to generate massive income. Tradingyour time will never help you to achieve thisgoal unless you’re some sort of a high payingbrain surgeon or something along that line.I’m sure I don’t have that kind of talent.
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