but there are exceptions. In any case, each
employer treats the interview process very
seriously. Keep this in mind when thinking
about what to wear for your initial interview
or subsequent callback interview. You only
get one chance to make a first impression,
so give careful thought to your appearance.
The best way to dress for the first meet-
ing is clean-cut and professional. In other
words, dress “like an attorney.” It is better
to be over-dressed, rather than too casual.
Remember that your appearance makes a
statement. If you look neat and professional,
you project an impression that you take
pride in yourself and your work. Appearance
ing is clean-cut and professional. In other
words, dress “like an attorney.” It is better
to be over-dressed, rather than too casual.
Remember that your appearance makes a
statement. If you look neat and professional,
you project an impression that you take
pride in yourself and your work. Appearance
has little to do with the brand labels of your clothes or good looks.
Rather, some-one with a nice appearance looks neat, self-confident, and professional.It is safer to err on the side of conservative dress. For women, this generally
means a suit or other similarly professional attire. Depending on the nature of the
employer, you may also choose to wear a dress or pants. For men, conservative
dress generally means a navy, gray, or other dark-colored suit, coordinated shirt,
and a tie. Here are some additional tips:
means a suit or other similarly professional attire. Depending on the nature of the
employer, you may also choose to wear a dress or pants. For men, conservative
dress generally means a navy, gray, or other dark-colored suit, coordinated shirt,
and a tie. Here are some additional tips:
• You can never go wrong with conservative colors such as gray, navy, taupe, and
black. Coordinate colors and patterns. Women can accessorize a conservative
suit with a nice scarf or pin.
• Some fabrics are more appropriate for interviews than others. Try natural fiber
blends of wool, silk, or cotton over polyester or linen, which wrinkle easily. Your clothes
should be fresh, neat, and pressed.
• Your hair should also be neat and combed, and your fingernails should be clean and
trimmed. Check your appearance in a mirror before entering the interview.
• Keep jewelry to a minimum.
• Avoid too much cologne or perfume.
• Get a good night’s sleep the night before the interview.
• Shine your shoes.
• Don’t smoke, drink liquor, or eat foods that will leave an odor on your breath before an
interview. If you have bad breath, eat a breath mint, but don’t chew gum!
• Pack an extra pair of hose or an extra tie. Carry your luggage on the plane. Accidents
can happen!
should be fresh, neat, and pressed.
• Your hair should also be neat and combed, and your fingernails should be clean and
trimmed. Check your appearance in a mirror before entering the interview.
• Keep jewelry to a minimum.
• Avoid too much cologne or perfume.
• Get a good night’s sleep the night before the interview.
• Shine your shoes.
• Don’t smoke, drink liquor, or eat foods that will leave an odor on your breath before an
interview. If you have bad breath, eat a breath mint, but don’t chew gum!
• Pack an extra pair of hose or an extra tie. Carry your luggage on the plane. Accidents
can happen!
An equally important part of your professional appearance is the way you carry your-
self, the gestures you use, and your body language. You should be self-confident and
comfortable with the way you look. So, choose styles, colors, fabrics, and patterns that
make you look good. The better you feel about yourself, the better you will come across
in an interview. Also, arrive 5-10 minutes in advance of your interview. Take a few min-
utes to freshen up, compose yourself, and gather your thoughts.
Greet your interviewer(s) by introducing yourself with a firm handshake. Sit tall with
your shoulders back, not stiff, and head erect. Sitting up properly makes you appear
visually strong and interested in what’s going on. Avoid intimidating gestures such as
stabbing with a finger or winking. Maintain eye contact and don’t take notes during the
interview. Be sure to smile.
Some employers will invite you to a reception, party or dinner as a part of the interview.
Consider the event an extension of your interview even though it may take place in a
relaxed setting. Wear attire appropriate to the setting and time of day. For example, if a
firm is having a dinner that night at a nice restaurant, chances are it will be more formal.
If they are having appetizers and margaritas at a more casual location, then chances
are you will not be expected to wear business attire. Often, employers state that an
event is “business casual.” For men, this generally means khaki pants and a button-
down or short-sleeved shirt with a collar. For women, this means a casual pantsuit or
modest sundress or skirt.
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